Sunday, February 6, 2011

Launch GreenPois0n IOS 4.2.1 Jailbreak

Dev Team has released a jailbreak Greenpois0n RC5 to 4.2.1 IOS-based devices like the iPhone, iPod touch, and IPAD.  This jailbreak is untethered release so that users can perform a reboot of the device without the need to re jailbreak.

Launch GreenPois0n IOS 4.2.1 Jailbreak by

Jailbreak is available first for the Mac version, followed a day later appeared jailbreak for Windows version.  Before performing the jailbreak users advised to make backups of personal data and the installation was done by using iTunes.

The steps to jailbreak the iPhone is as follows:

     * Make sure the device is using IOS 4.2.1 because Greenpois0n only works on this firmware
     * Download Greenpois0n
     * Plug the iPhone to the computer using a USB cable and then run Greenpois0n.  Click the "Jailbreak"
     * Immediately after pressing the jailbreak, follow the instructions to make the iPhone into DFU mode:
     * Press and hold the sleep button for 3 seconds
     * Press and hold the sleep button while pressing the home button for 10 seconds
     * Release the sleep button but keep pressing the home button for 10 seconds
     * The device will now be ready to jailbreak.  Wait a moment while doing his duty Greenpois0n
    * Once the jailbreak is inserted into the iPhone it will show a new icon on the SpringBoard for the Loader.  Launch Cydia Loader and install from there, reboot the iPhone it will be installed Cydia
     * Finish

Keep in mind that the jailbreak will cause the warranty does not apply anymore.

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