Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cheat Point Blank (PB) Release BlooderZ 2.2 February 03, 2011

Cheat Point Blank (PB) Release BlooderZ 2.2 February 03, 2011 by

Relased: 03/02/2011
Creator: Haranobu
Greetz to:
[*] All Member BlooderZ
Archive Type: Setup
Included files: => BlooderZ.exe
Target Game: PointBlank
Anti-Cheat: AhnLab HackShield Pro
[*] [F11] Map Hack (On)
[*] [F12] Map Hack (Off)
[*] [Insert] Minimize (On)
[*] [Delete] Minimize (Off)
[*] [Home] Complete Card
[*] [End] Uncomplete Card
Additional note:
o Please Co. & Pas but do not forget the name of the author and source post!
o In the Rename DLL do not!
Tutor: Below

buy agan mission>>>> it's up to the mission which aja.
klaw already bought the mission,,, close the tab misionnya
continue his press F6.
open lg mission tab (which is on the inventory), and then move it to the card O
keep close tabs lg his mission.
so on until the letters K ,.....
klaw sdh until the letters K agan login logout from pb continue lg.
NAA klaw sdh login go to the tab of his mission his P card clay finish blm ..
live agan finished his aja tu P. card.

klaw dah tu masmednya dpet definitely finished.
ane advice buying mission Infiniti aja yg gan.,, easy to use SMG firing nyelesainnya a complete waste of asepnya

Create & Others for Use Still Like Ordinary

Password Injector : BlooderZ

1 comment:

  1. gak jelas gan, penjelasan cit masmednya aneh buangetzz
