Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cheat Ninja Saga (NS) Create Char More Than One Like Emblem Users for Free User 24 February 2011

Cheat Ninja Saga (NS) Create Char More Than One Like Emblem Users for Free User 24 February 2011

Siapin TOOLS:
-CE v6.0

1.login NS
2.scan tokenmu (eg 100 then first scan)
3.buka headquarters
4.convert a token
5.kan toenmu write 99 to 99 and then next scan
6.ketemu an address
7.ganti address eg xxxxxxA8 4
8.ganti value so 2
9.kan still no reply had been a distinguished address tokenya xxxxxxA8 munkin address you different
10.yg you right? XxxxxxA8 4 now xxxxxxA8 10
11.valuenya not replace a 1 2

how to make a new char
1.dari distinguished friend list below then left click klik''play''
2.ulangi above steps
3.liat premium user status to make Char deh trus
if you want to make Char again repeat steps diata

This cheat is not permanent just for the action aja ckckckckc


  1. maaf gan,,
    kurang jelas bahasa inggris nya gan,,
    campur aduk,,saya jadi nggak ngerti..?

  2. kurang ngerti om..tolong bahasanya d perjelas??thx...

  3. skrg kok kalo ngecit pke fiddler error terus kenapa ya???????????????

  4. wkwkkwkw jadul aku pake fidler g bisa-2
    gpp pake ce bermanfaat sedikit
