Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cheat Point Blank (PB) Wicahyo_Rezpect_Limited Editon January 11, 2011

Cheat Point Blank (PB) Wicahyo_Rezpect_Limited Editon January 11, 2011

Released: 11-01-2011
Creator: Wicahyo [Me]
Greetz to:
                                   [*] RCD [My Friend]
                                   [*] Gambler007 [BEST Friend]
                                   [*] All Members [SNUTZ - N3 --- N2 - F4 --- CG]
                                   [*] Indrascott [Snutz.us]
                                   [*] IkiEscream [My Favorite Friends]
                                   [*] Rifqi36 [N3]
                                   [*] SaptaAgunk [Mas Q]
Archive Type: RAR
Included files: Wicahyo_Rezpect_Limited Edition.dll
Target Game: PointBlank
Anti-Cheat: AhnLab HackShield Pro
Type: Trainer / Cheat
Cheat / Trainer Effect:
                                 HotKey --------------- -----------------

                                 [-] F1: RANK
                                 [-] F2: TITLE
                                 [-] F3: CHAR HACK RED
                                 [-] F4: CHAR HACK BULUE
                                 [-] F5: RESET CAR.
                                 [-] Numpad 1: beret Buster
                                 [-] Numpad 2: stil Assassin
                                 [-] Numpad 3: Shooting Stars
                                 [-] Numpad 4: nibble Snaker
                                 [-] Numpad 5: GM
                                 [-] F6: White Mask
                                 [-] F7: Black Mask
                                 [-] F8: Hospital Mask
                                 [-] F9: Kotiki Mask
                                 [-] NUMPAD6: SKULLMASK
                                 [-] NUMPAD7: JOKERMASK
                                 [-] NUMPAD8: GOLDENMASK
                                 [-] NUMPAD9: Haloowen MASK
                                 [-] NUMPAD0: IRON MASK
                                 [-] DELETE: Quick Exit
                                 [-] UP Arrow: Wallshot ON
                                 [-] DOWN Arrow: Wallshoot Off
                                 [-] LEFT Arrow: Minimize ON
                                 [-] RIGHT Arrow: Minimize OFF
                                 [-] INSERT: FREEZE
                                 [-] DELETE: GHOST MODE
                                 [-] END: GHOST FREEZE MODE DISABLE
                                 [-] Page Up: -----------
                                 [-] Page Down: --------------

Function: GAME HACK
How to use: - Use the ON / OFF while playing
                                           [-] Use timing by yourself
                                           [-] Wall Shoot = Enable when diroom after loading screen turn off
                                           [] Altab = Create Unnecessary Altab OFF 1 Days No BT Tasted [ME]
Forum: http / / www.cheatgamez.net/
Additional note: mirroring is prohibited without were allowed by author.
VirusScan: http://virusscan.jotti.org/en/scanresult/ed0057fcccd2dfc7c1551663d8999be0e0b8ccae

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