Saturday, October 9, 2010

Cheat Point Blank (PB) Zenix Jonita Update October 9, 2010

Point Blank is an online game that is currently very popular among the gamers all around the world mania. the cheaters mania have been happy to get the latest cheat but for the maker of a cheat really hard, but not in value. on this occasion I will share Cheat Point Blank Jonita and Zenix. you just download his files Cheat, huh?

Cheat Point Blank (PB) Zenix Jonita Update October 9, 2010


  • Wallshot On [F9]
  • Walshot Off [F10]
  • Minimize On [F5]
  • Minimize Off [F6]

How to Use Feature Minimize properly and correctly, as follows:
  1. You need to login to Point Blank
  2. Then you activate by pressing the F5 key until the sound of Ding / Beep.
  3. After that you press the F6
  4. Then you just wear these Minimize

NB: but remember you are not old - old exit you will exit to the desktop.

How to Use Wallshot A good and true, as follows:
  1. First you must go to Room (Room it's up to you / What could)
  2. But do not start first, you press F9 until you hear the sound Ding / Beep
  3. After that you Start
  4. Then if you have start will appear a screen room you turn off fast play
  5. Then you press F10 wallshootnya not let the DC / BT when you play
  6. Completed

  • There Framewarok Net 4
  • No MS Redist C EXP 2008
  • Work only on the Operating System XP / Vista for Windows 7 I do not know, you should try it yourself

    Credit: L@N3 


  1. Wah menarik sekali blognya...!! metkenal ya..

  2. mksh banyak ya ... atas pujiannya ... metkenal juga ...

  3. Gan,bkin exp buat pemakain satu hari aja bisa g'??

  4. bisa aja sob.... tpi ... percuma doang klau di buat 1 hr aja .. kshan yg laen ...

  5. gan yg seminggu aja bkin cheat Gb xp nya cuy...??

  6. gan ini passwordnya apa?

  7. gan...kok pake pass ya?

  8. passnya alamat blog aq ... tanpa http:// ya sob ...


    ya tak usahain dah gannn

  9. habiss,...setiap kali pake bug mulu,,..
    GM maintenence nya sekarang diam2x aja,...keluarin sekarang ntar malam main,..terus,..mmmm,,...udah ndeh,...hehehehee,,..tapi aku harap cheat EXP nya keluar,,...asyik,,...

  10. maaf ne tadi udah ada cheat EXP tapi .... sya coba ... malah gk work .... GM .... main terus ,,, ... jd gk work dah hhhh pusing gua gan ,,, tunggu ja gan ,,,

  11. You have nice blog! Can you help me chage favicon for blog? My blog , favicon displayed fine on firefox but not on Chrome! your is great!Help me please... Thanks

  12. ok...deh gan,..jangan terlalu di pikirin gan,..
    ntar malah pusing jadinya,...nyantai aja gan,...hehhheeee...mang gan punya fb g'??...kalo ada apa ne gan fb gue,..add aku ya gan,..ntar bisa saling bagi infoo,...hhehhe

  13. oia broo,...mungkin gara2x GM ngadain competisi kali,..
    terus GMnya ngadain maintenence Diam2x ,...
    ntar kalo udah selesai,..mungkin work tu cheatnya,,..

  14. QuangTam@ many causes that can happen why favicon to your blog can not because the image is too large, and setting the favicon is not appropriate. you try to use code like this in your blog.

    < (delete spase) link href='#' rel='SHORTCUT ICON'/ >

    and you put it at the before the body must have the chrome can be seen and it showed. good luck, huh?

    anonymous@ add fb aq ya di punya u gk ada fbnya sob ... bisa aja sob ... tp nyantai aja dah ... sbar ...

  15. ok broo,,...udah aku add fbnya,..konfirmasi ya..!!

  16. y, mksh ya sob ,,, semoga bermanfaat aja dah
