Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cheat Point Blank (PB) Unty Area V3 Latest Update

Time ago I shared Cheat Unity Point Blank Area V2, but on this occasion I would like to share Cheat PB Unity Area V3 is the latest. actually at this cheat for the features and the way the same as that used to only have her PB Cheat are updated.

Cheat Point Blank (PB) Unty Area V3 Latest Update

ALT TAB Off On System

F1 = On
F2 = Off

On Off Wallshot system

F3 = On
F4 = Off

Auto Injection hose only 5 to 10 seconds only.

To Cheat Unity Area V3 is that the DC / BT constant that depends on your usage. and for the password file cheatnya below.

Password :

Credits by Kirara_Ukira


  1. pas nya apa ya???

  2. lah itu kan udah ada ... u gk baca semua ta >>>???

  3. KK nanya ya...kalo Unity tetep harus pake MHS gak sih?

    makasih KK

  4. kalau menurut saya sih pakek aja ... kan fungsinya untuk menghilangkan jejak dari penghapusan account u dr GM sob .. MHS itu sob...
