Monday, October 4, 2010

Cheat Point Blank (PB) LonZNODC (wallshot + ALT TAB) Latest Update Oktober, 4 2010

Cheat Point Blank (PB) LonZNODC (wallshot + ALT TAB) Latest Update Oktober, 4 2010


How to use:
  1. Open Point Blank Laucher
  2. Then you are not an Injector that you have downloaded the same 1 package etc.
  3. Then you run your Point Blank

Hotkey press until there is a beep out on your computer or your laptop.
  • Minimize On F1\
  • F2 Mnimize Off
  • On Ammo F3 (still in trial) should not in press
  • Off Ammo F4 (still in trial) should not in press
  • On WAS F5 (you wear at the time before the start when loading into the room and want to come play-off)
  • F6 WAS Off

hopefully this cheat useful and for the request good luck good luck, huh?

Credit EchoLondo[]


  1. kegunaan nya buat apa???
    hehhehe nak baru

  2. tlong cari yg exp bro ...............

    biar cpet jdi mayor gw , hehe ...........

  3. ya sip dah bro tak cari'in yang penting u sbar tuk menunggu nya .. okey sob

  4. chet spe gman sich download x

  5. @ bkn gk bsa di download tp ... file host lagi maintanince .. cba lagi ja sob
