Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cheat Point Blank (PB) PADAELO31 Trainer 28 September 2010

In this article I apologize for the cheaters who cheat needed to find I still have not been able to give the cheat you want. but this time I gave Cheat Point Blank The rest of the updates PADAELO31 Trainer 28 September 2010. and Cheat Point Blank (PB) PADAELO31 it has nothing to SS because I can not test myself because I am busy with my school. just go to cheat, the following:

Cheat Point Blank (PB) PADAELO31 Trainer 28 September 2010

F11 is the Title Hack
F12 is a Major Mission Hack

NB: if anything Cheat which already share the beginning until now is kedetek virus by your antivirus do not be surprised, yes. I guarantee that false positives (false), because that was detected was not the original Cheat detected but it is the injector x1nject (this is common). if less confident with my words, please try it yourself using any injector you think would be safe from viruses or other.

I hope the article and for this cheat helpful to you all and useful, do I apologize if there are words that are less good or offend you, I thank you very much.

Credit By Abu Jafar (N3)


  1. kk, nehh cheat untuk apa,,!!!!!!
    end keguanaan nya apaa?>>>!!!

    maklum saya ngk bisa BHS ingris,hehehee

  2. kk... Setelah maintence 28 september... Cheat gb exp msk jalan kah!??

  3. Cheat GB EXP msh bisa kyknya ... blm di uji lagi .. coba aja di uji saja guys ...

  4. Nice info gan,,
    gw udh nyoba tp kok title ny g bs d pasang di slot y gan??
    klo emg g bs d psang d slot, trus kgunaan dpt title tu ap??
    tlg pncrahan ny y gan..

  5. cara memakai title hack gmn gan ?

  6. kk cheat ALT - TAB nya ada g.........? please

  7. cheat RPE buat apa sih ??
    gw udh download cheat X-MANTAN trainer,tp gk bs jalan,DC mulu
    tolong penjelasannya ya ??
    thanks ya gan !

  8. palasik@kmrin sya share cmn gk work ...
    makainya sperti biasa gitu
    da tp gk work sob harus di update ,,, yang terbaru guys
    x-mantan dah gk work ,,, kmrin saya coba ... wallhack masih lom ada ... tunggu saja mungkin ada sob ...
