Tuesday, January 5, 2010

USB Hub with 24 port

a technology is a most rapid news updates, even updates of the technology will not 1 day but almost every second could have a new technology. there is a hardware or new hardware that was once the usb port. sometimes when we use our computers must be running out of USB ports. USB port usually we use to use USB devices already in use another example: mouse, keyboard, printer, scanner, Flash disk, and many other devices.

a technology is a most rapid news updates, even updates of the technology will not 1 day but almost every second could have a new technology. there is a hardware or new hardware that was once the usb port. sometimes when we use our computers must be running out of USB ports. USB port usually we use to use USB devices already in use another example: mouse, keyboard, printer, scanner, Flash disk, and many other devices. even things like that are not imaginable by the technological expertise or laptop computer that has only has only 2 USB ports, so we'll just have deficiencies that must be our own responsibility.

a solution we should use an additional USB hub which can reduce the problems that we experience by connecting directly to a computer device.

some time in and had preached that had emerged USB hub device that has a USB port 10. however, the USB port 10 is already quite a lot. but if you're still not satisfied with the number 10 is, now you can be more happy to have attended more than the USB hub is a USB hub with a USB port 24.

The design of USB Hub This circular where you can connect your computer with the USB cables without having to feel distress. Interested in having this thing? To have it, you have to spend money around 69.99 USD or about 700 thousand rupiah.


  1. jujur sob saya agak kurang tau soal beginian..

  2. maaf ya pak,,saya g ngerti bahasanya..tp saya suka banget ama blognya..bikin jenak aja disini.

  3. aa. : makasih udah jujur sob... tp kan kita harus mengikuti jaman sob...
    handy... oww gitu ya ... translate saja pak...
    kerjainan: mksih y dah koment.... pasti saya kasi supaya bisa baca dah
