Thursday, December 10, 2009

IT in schools obstacles Indonesia

many schools across Indonesia this requires IT knowledge or lessons. implementation process of education in Indonesia is in dire need of education once-Driven IT (information technology) long - long IT was more important in the world of basic education. but again - again recognized by all people, Indonesia is about facilities that are still quite far behind the country - other countries and even less satisfying all the constraints that have in this country Indonesia. even the technicians and computer hackers in Indonesia is not the same government notice even the government does not assist the children who excel in the IT (information technology). a lot of hackers talking when the Indonesian government could consider us and the job was not there, and I even know the hackers Indonesia mostly work outside the country such as malaisya, Singapore, U.S. and there are very many.

hackers and computer technicians who are not reliable in the notice by the government. until many hackers are out of Indonesia because the government never noticed. hacker said that from surabaya Indonesia and Jakarta which at that time gathered in one place, this government was only concerned with himself and his people over the course of the note. even the hackers all over Indonesia speaking IT education in Indonesia was good but there is a problem with the facility. when the president has given indonesia republican education budget by 20%. 

this post is true I've done research and talked to the hackers and computer engineers and school principals in my area. IT facilities in Indonesia to become an obstacle students or students learn less well and less comfortable. live to share the news is the best thing in my life may be useful for you all. 


  1. betul - betul betul sob. .
    jangan sampai kita ketinggalan ne . .
    akan kecil dinegara lain udah bisa IT sedangkan kita ornag prefesional gatek wwkwkwk

  2. sunrise : ya sob ... mangkannya ... pemerintah jngn mementingkan dirinya sendiri wkwkwk

  3. anak ku jg dah aku ajari kenal kompi nih..he2

  4. strategi : wah betul itu tp jng terlalu dipaksa ya ... itu akan mengakibatkan ke fatalan kepd ank anda
