Thursday, December 3, 2009

google webmaster tools have the latest service updates

in this post I wanted to talk about the google webmaster tools that may have a lot of people know the existence of the google webmaster tool but this time I get new things from google webmaster tools themselves. on this day I also have very important information for you all because today Google has done an update in google webmaster tools. now google webmaster tools has a new tool very useful for you all possible because this tool can view your site's performance, want to know what the name of the new tool by google updated the site's performance. This performance site serves as a tool or a very solid media for blogging at all true. even this site can increase the performance speed of your site. site performance will feature your performance statistics for the site you have. I even have to talk over this if you use this information to improve the speed of your site and create a faster experience for users. will increase traffic even more visitors in a day. at present not many people use the site for a new performance out. please try and add-ons download it here. This may just be that I can posting today. I hope this post helpful do not forget to give your comments on this post and do not forget to subscribe to my articles. I make sure you get the information.
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  1. nice info bang......sekarang aq juga rajin che berat endaknya blog q n berapa performa nya...terutama yan berkaitan dengan widget dan trafik.....

  2. adiytiya tapi lyanan ini langsung dari google beda dgn yng lainnya sob

  3. Wah mantap Bro... keep blogging...

  4. akhatam : makasih ya
    kusang : thankya sob

  5. info baru nich...thanks a lot my freind

  6. y sm2 sob wkwkwk
