Thursday, November 19, 2009

My first award

a sad day for me today because I do not have the money and not pay anymore, but I wanted to migrate or to pay my internet fees and will replace all of my internet package  timebase but I wanted to migrate to the unlimeted worth 200 thousand monthly. until dizzy and complained to their parents and my friends. but at the time of opening the computer a friend of mine, give my word to my friends online that I get the award from risky, dhana, and seeker of inspiration in my day to get 1 award 3. I thank you for giving award to me. thanks so much for all the awards that I do not think I get awards for my blog that has built such a very special award really. but I do not think it was all given to me. day that I think it is great sad .... thank you so much for all of you who have given me. below is the award - award that I have gained in one day, is as follows:

This award from a search friendly inspiration

the following is the award of affection dhana from hongkong

if the following from blogger friends riky riskiyana

I thank you all for giving award to me. may still succeed is always to the best bloggers out negeri.tanpa Indonesia and no support from you I can not get the award. please provide comments to award that I got this.


  1. mantap nih awardnya
    setoran balasan nih sob cek ya dompetnya

  2. semoga dengan award ini makin semangat ya :)

  3. congratulation for you"got award" nice award.
    thankx for visited my site .

  4. asep : sip dah sob thank ya sob
    mas doy : ya sip dah mas doy tetap semngat saya
    info : thank y sob

  5. irfak : sip dah sob
    warung : sip dah
    mksh banyak ya sob

  6. Congrats ya bro !!! makin semangat aja ni ngeBlognya... ntar klo dah sukses, jangan lupa bagi2 ilmunya yaa...

  7. alam : sip dah gk akan lupa sob
    tien sip dah

  8. ya sob tukang coret

  9. wah selamat sob atas awardnya moga makin semangat y

  10. slamat sob .. . ats awardnya . .

  11. salam sahabat
    ehm...syukurlah kalo gitu ,semangat ya nxs n good luck

  12. rival :sip dah aq tetap semangat sob
    sunrise : ya sob
    dhana : sm2 //..
    makasih smeua ya sob

  13. wiw selamet deh sob moga trus jaya diudara hehe..

  14. Selamat... semoga tambah semangat blogging

  15. donny ; mksh ya sob
    secangir teh: y sm2 sob
    keli: ya sob mksh ya
    kha: sip dah ..
    smua makasih sob

  16. keep posting... salam sukses sob

  17. senangnya ak malah gag peernah dapat tuh!!

  18. keren banyak awardnya, makin semangat yah ngeblognya

  19. makasih banyak ya atas komentar dan support nya sob...thank ya sob

  20. aq datang sob,,,
    mampir balek y???

  21. semuanya thank ya sob atas komentar anda smua

  22. Maaf baru bisa berkunjung lageee

  23. mascipul ya mas ...
    kilirrink gk pa2 sob
