Monday, November 23, 2009

Blogger in blockir

a very tiring day for me because once I finished implementing the practice of making a network but I can finish it all, because thanks to the parents and the friends who have supported me. but in this post I want to talk about bloggers. a lot of friends and the master bloggers really confused. I heard from the master instance: mas doyok, luluken, and many of the masters really complain with bloggers today. this post I want to inform the users or user loyalty that bloggers blogger / blogspot in blockir. but this blockir special internet users who use an ISP or (internet service / server providers), among others: Smart, Fastnet, CBN and some others, if you use the ISP then you can not access a blogger / blogspot again. if there is a friend to talk, why ISP's can not connect to blogger / blogspot again? why: because there is someone spreading incorrect issue of the blogger / blogspot, for example: SARA, Pornography and many others are therefore diblockir. but ministers signaled depkominfo users bloggers that today blockir against bloggers / blogspot will be opened again. but until now still a lot of blogspot users master and still could use a blogger. and ministers depkominfo give you that he and APJII miscommunication has occurred. "Instruction closure was only for a specific URL (the Prophet-ed blog)," said Tifatul when found on the sidelines Hearings Meeting House Commission I.

info blogger or blogspot blockir I know or get it from No. 598/M.Kominfo/11/2009 dated 19 November 2009. This course may only inform you all about why can not connect to blogger or blogspot. hopefully useful info that I give to you. let's use blogger or blogspot service properly and correctly. not solely to obtain money or your popularity in cyberspace. thank you very much for your attention.


  1. Pertamax.........nice article... nggak tau dah apa yang di posting.. nggak mudeng aku kalo bahasa inggris wkwkwkwk

  2. wah jangan gitu sob baca dulu sob

  3. setelah aku baca translate nya baru bisa ku mengerti.. kasian juga tu nggak bisa akses blogger.. semoga cepat di hapus pemblokirannya ya... mkasih infonya.

  4. ya sob jaya dipastikan menterinya akan menanggulaginnya tapi janjinya sekarang sob

  5. secangkir emang punya u pakek ISP apa sob ?

  6. salam visi . .

    oh gitu yah . . jadi aku ga diblokir dunkz hahahha

    slamet deh . .

  7. keren and cool.. aku ada web bagus dgn fasilitas script GRATIS nih... klik aja ya..

  8. Thank infonya, semoga saja saya tidak kena blokir hehehe

  9. semoga aja ada kebebasan di alam maya. cuma pengguna yang harus memilih mana satu yang sesuai bagi mereka. memblokir blogspot bukan satu solusi yang bisa menghalang situs2 porno dari berkembang.

  10. buaya : itu benar sob tpi itu hanya slah komunikasi ja sob
    kang deni : ya kang ... smoga ya berdo'a ja tapi hari ini juga udah gk diblock lagi kang

  11. wah saya baru tahu soal ni, saya pake provider lain soalnya.. thanks infonya sob

  12. "Hello, very happy to visit your blog, invite you to visit my blog" Details

  13. jangan sampek deh blog ane di blokir.....takuuutttt.......ntar ga jadi kenalan ma owner blog alexa dong....heheh

  14. bang ocim : wah itu sie gk pa2 sob ... selamat ya bang
    mas adi : sip dah bang
    rahasia :y sob ... tapi jngn khwatr lau ... gk bisa kenalan ... dan anda pakek ISP apa sekg ne ... ISP yg di block yg menggunakkan smart, fastnet, dan CBN ... yg lainnya masih bisa di gunakan sob

  15. walah... ada lagi. jangan sampe . Amit-amit

  16. klo indonesian lebih ngerti sy sob hehe

  17. josch semoga aja sob anda tidk mengalami kyk gitu
    oh gitu ya sob

  18. hm... nice..

  19. kok bisa di blokir mas doyok ?

  20. waduh sob d mana GT kamu ? aq kan g ica bhs inggris....

    oy sob ada tagbook buat kamu kalau berkenan d ambil yah

  21. rizky : ya dah saya coba ... dah sob ...
    reza : wah ya karna katanya blogger tmpt situs porn gitu

  22. salam sahabat wah masa sich sampai gitu???semoga enggak lah blokir di blokir he..he...thnxs n good luck ya

  23. Wah triknya bagus sob.. keep blogging,,,

  24. akhatam : makasih ya sob
    dhana : ya smoga ja ya

  25. blogwalking..thanks for coming..

  26. mampir membaca artikelnya,..salam knal

  27. wah info bagus nih
    thanks ya bro :)

  28. bayu : y slm knl juga sob
    paul : ya sob thank ya sob

  29. cerita cerita nie sob mana s/boxnya. kan bagus kalau ada ngak nyepam di sini hehehe.

  30. Alhamdulillah gw normal2 aja tuh, g ada pemblokiran ehehehe

  31. waduh shoutmixnya mana? make shoutmix please

  32. make : kalau shoutmix nya di homepage sob disini gk da sob
    rifky : selmt dah sob
    buaya: wah jgan lah sob

  33. WAh....thanks for the info...
