Sunday, January 31, 2010

when you reboot the operating system back on a window, the operating system will restart the PC or your computer and then go back to Desktop Window. for those of you who frequent application over time install reboot obligation is less practical window. basically you install the application it will ask for restart window only needs just update the registry window. for it to handle things like that I have a tip and trick from me faster and telling what you can do as follows: the way by pressing the Shift key while restarting because the window will only restart it again without making direct load system BIOS. maybe that's just the article, the article simple and clear this time. may be useful for you all.


  1. artickel yang sangat bermanfaat bang

  2. wah mksh banget

  3. Wah keren nih.. boleh juga tuh..
    aku jitak PPCINDO U sob.. jitak balik di ijo2ku yah.. Tx

  4. thank ya bang ocim

  5. nice post. keep the post, don't forget comment me back.

  6. sip dah denadnan okey

  7. walaupun udah coomeng tapi masih pengen commeng,,
    great article bro

  8. thank you very much sob

  9. wah makasih banget lex infonya :D

    lagi nyepi dari chat chat
    mau nyepi dulu

  10. thank y mas doy
    knpa mas doy kok nyepi ne ... chatting ma gua saja mas doy wkwkwk

  11. walah-walah... mending pake linux aja deh. saya rasa udah ga musim pake window, linux ga ada tandingannya. the choose one, microsoft kelaut aja deh...

  12. oww gitu ya
    saya juga bisa linux kok... mungkin selera orang berbeda2 sob

    blum waktu nya saya posting tentang linux sob

  13. Thank banget nih trick windowsnya benar-benar cool, emang terkadang sangat mengesalkan saat sudah menginstall program, eh.. tiba-tiba harus ada proses restart....


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