Friday, May 22, 2009

PHP is a scripting language that integrates with the HTML and run on the server side. This means that all the syntax that we provide will be fully executed on the server while the browser is sent to the result only.
File contoh1.php:

<br />Simple Example <br /></ title> <br /></ head> <br /><body> <br /><? php <br />echo ( "Hallo apakabar? My name is PHP script"); <br />?> <br /></ body> <br /></ html> <br />Variable <br />PHP in the name of each variable beginning dollar sign ($). For example the name of a variable in PHP is written with the $ a. Type of a variable is determined at the time of the road program and depending on the context used. <br />File contoh2.php: <br /><? php <br />$ a = "5"; <br />$ b = "2"; <br />$ result = $ a + $ b; <br />echo ($ result); <br />?> <br />STRUCTURE Control <br />IF <br />IF construction is used to perform the execution of a conditional statement. <br />How is written as follows: <br />if (condition) <br />( <br />statement <br />) <br />or: <br />if (condition) <br />( <br />statement <br />) <br />else <br />( <br />another statement <br />) <br />or: <br />if (first condition) <br />( <br />The first statement <br />) <br />elseif (both terms) <br />( <br />second statement <br />) <br />else <br />( <br />another statement <br />) <br />File contoh5.php: <br /><? php <br />$ a = 4; <br />$ b = 9; <br />if ($ a> $ b) <br />( <br />echo ( "a is greater than in b"); <br />) <br />elseif ($ a <$ b) <br />( <br />echo ( "a small b"); <br />) <br />else <br />( <br />echo ( "a with the b"); <br />) <br />?> <br />While <br />Form the basis of the While statement is as follows: <br />while (condition) <br />( <br />statement <br />) <br />While the meaning of statemant is to give the command to execute the statement <br />underneath are repeated, during the condition fulfilled. <br />File contoh6.php: <br /><? php <br />$ a = 1; <br />while ($ a <10) <br />( <br />echo ($ a); <br />$ a + +; <br />) <br />?> <br />FOR <br />How to write FOR statement is as follows: <br />for (ekspresi1; ekspresi2; ekspresi3) <br />statement <br />ekspresi1 initial value for a variable <br />ekspresi2 shows the requirements that must be met to run statemant <br />ekspresi3 show value-added to a variable <br />File contoh7.php: <br /><? php <br />for ($ a = 0; $ a <10; $ a + +) <br />( <br />echo ( "A = value"); <br />echo ( "$ a"); <br />echo ( "<br>"); <br />) <br />?> <br />SWITCH <br />SWITCH statement is used to compare a variable with some <br />value and the statement if the value of certain variables with the same value <br />compared. <br />Switch structure is as follows: <br />switch (variable) <br />case value: <br />statement <br />case value: <br />statemant <br />case value: <br />statement <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />File contoh8.php: <br /><? php <br />$ a = 2; <br />switch ($ a) <br />( <br />case 1: <br />echo ( "Value is a variable one"); <br />break; <br />case 2: <br />echo ( "Value is a two-variable"); <br />break; <br />case 3: <br />echo ( "Value is a three-variable"); <br />break; <br />) <br />?> <br />Require <br />Require statement is used to read the variable value and function of a file. How to write Require statement is: <br />require (filename); <br />Require this statement can not be entered diadalam a looping structure such as while or for. Because only pemangggilan the same file only once. <br />File contoh9.php: <br /><? php <br />$ a = "I'm learning PHP"; <br />tulistebal function ($ text) <br />( <br />echo ( "<b> $ text </ b>"); <br />) <br />?> <br />File contoh10.php: <br /><? php <br />require ( "contoh9.php"); <br />tulistebal ( "This is a bold any posts"); <br />echo ( "<br>"); <br />echo ($ a); <br />?> <br />Include <br />Include statement will include the content of a particular file. Include can be put <br />eg in a looping in a for or while statement. <br />File contoh11.php: <br /><? php <br />echo ("-------------< br> "); <br />echo ( "PHP is a scripting language <br>"); <br />echo ("-------------< br> "); <br />echo ( "<br>"); <br />?> <br />File contoh12.php: <br /><? php <br />for ($ b = 1; $ b <5; $ b + +) <br />( <br />include ( "contoh11.php"); <br />) <br />?> <div style='clear:both;'></div> <div class='post-share-buttons'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to Twitter'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Twitter</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); 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